Saturday 21 June 2014

Is there anything worse than shopping on a Saturday?

I never choose to go shopping and certainly not on a Saturday at 11 o'clock in the morning but we went out to  a smallholders yard sale today and it seemed sensible to call in at Mr Ts supermarket on the way home to save a trip mid week.
I shall avoid doing that again!
It was packed full of large under-dressed people buying stuff for their BBQ's.
The queue to get in and out of the carpark was dreadful and it's only a small market town. Heavens knows what it was like anywhere bigger.

Anyway, we survived to tell the tale.

The yard sale was being held at the home of some smallholder friends who are moving away soon. Being a bit of a hoarder and wheeler dealer he has lots of stuff to clear out. We came home with a watering can, a dustbin, a corn scoop, a big box of flower pots, two new rolls of baler twine, 50 new jam jar lids and 2 buckets all for £25.
And as every smallholder knows, you can never have too many watering cans and buckets.


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